perm filename T2[AP,DBL] blob sn#104890 filedate 1974-06-05 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100	1. Review
00200	2. Implementation details
00300		Precisely what knowledge you need to write induction programs
00400		How to actually construct a working system: Protocol
00500		Deviations from the theory: confessions
00600		Program parameters
00700	3. Questions one should ask about any automatic programming system
00800		Does it write one program?
00900		What is the input dialog like?
01000		Does it write a second program?
01100		How difficult is it to extend it to write more programs?
01200		Where inside it is the program really stored?
01300	4. Results
01400		Input: the user-pup dialogue
01500		Output: the CF program it produced
01600	5. A second task is chosen: grammatical inference
01700		The program it should write
01800		What new beings, functions, and changes to old PUP5 system are
01900			required?   How hard will this new task be?
02000	6. Extensions
02100		What programs could be written with only minor modifications?
02200		What programs are very poorly suited to PUP5?
02300	7. Conclusions
02400		Comparison of PUP5 to other systems: size and time of system and of
02500			target programs.  Relative performance.
02600		Disussion of effort expended and it worth, for each phase of the
02700			project: conception, protocol, programming, debugging,
02800				 future target programs
02900		Was it the right way to solve the problem?
03000			Was it the right problem?
03100		Future directions
03200			immediate: more target programs, by more users
03300			theoretical: analysis of class of programs well/poorly
03400				suited to attack by PUP5 ideas.
03500			sometime: clean up system, more faithful to the ideas.
03600			destiny: what is the impact and the future of the ideas
03700			our group: coordination with other systems
03800				ease
03900				utility
04000				who's in control
04100				do you really want a ten page sort program?